In this tutorial we're going to look at how to create a resilient integration testing solution for REST APIs.
This tutorial is not about simply installing mocha + chai and writing a few tests. We will go step-by-step (not leaving out a single detail) and create a setup that allows you to seeminglessly write integration tests for your web API. This setup will automatically start a server to run tests against and connect to a testing database that is reset between tests. We will basically be creating a very thin framework on top of mocha, fine-tuned to our testing needs.
If you don't want to follow along with the tutorial and want to instead just see the setup in action, you can check out the code on GitHub directly!
Integration testing basically means having automatic tests that run against your entire app. So you're not simply testing individual functions or classes (as you would in unit tests) but (in the context of a REST API) your tests make HTTP requests against a running web server, look at the response to your request and sometimes look inside the database to see if everything is in the state it's supposed to be in.
The great thing about integration tests is that they are very simple to write and they're highly maintainable because you are testing the "most public interface" of your code – the REST API. That means you could do the most brutal refactoring or even rewrite your app in a completely different programming language and your integration tests can remain unchanged, as long as the REST API it exposes does not change its behaviour.
Although integration tests are very easy to write, it can be tricky to get the initial testing setup going in a way that it allows you to easily start up testing servers and make requests against them. No worries though, this is exactly what you will learn in this tutorial!
Another downside of integration tests is that they are quite a bit slower than unit tests. A single test can run somewhere between 20ms and several seconds. This is a small price to pay though and can be easily mitigated significantly by parallelizing tests.
First, we need something to write tests against, so we will create a very simple REST API for a todolist app. To keep things simple, we'll use node.js with express and MongoDB for this. The app will be very minimal but we will write it in a way so that it stays maintainable for when we add features later on. If you're a somewhat experienced node.js developer, you can probably skip this part and dive into part 2 directly.
In the second part of this article, we will get our hands dirty and write the actual code for our testing setup. We will use the battle-tested mocha/chai-combo as our libraries of choice but the testing setup will work in a very similar way for any other test runner or assertion library. This will be the most important part of the series because getting the testing setup right is probably the trickiest part. But if we do it right, it will be a breeze to add on additional tests for new endpoints later on.
In part three, we will see how we can adopt a test-driven workflow for when we add endpoints to our CRUD app. While I don't believe in "TDD for everything", I think a test-driven approach works very well for writing endpoints. If done correctly, you will never really need to do any manual testing for your endpoints which saves a ton of time already during, but especially after, development.
OK, let's get right into it. We will now create a little node.js backend for an imaginary todo app called "todoman". It will be a simple REST API that, for the start, exposes two routes:
POST /todos
- To create a new todoGET /todos
- To list all todosPATCH /todos/:todoId
for updating todos later in part 3)A todo will have the following structure:
Todo {_id: ObjectId;title: string;completed: boolean;createdAt: Date;updatedAt: Date;}
To get started, let's create a new folder that will contain our code:
$ mkdir ~/code/todoman-backend$ cd ~/code/todoman-backend
As with almost any node.js project, we'll want to start out by installing some packages. We won't need much:
We'll install these dependencies with yarn:
$ yarn add express mongodb body-parser
Now let's write some code! I think the directory structure is very important for
the maintainability of any project, so let's think about that for a second.
We'll keep all our application code in a folder called src/
. The entry point
will be src/main.js
. All code that deals with todos will live in src/todos/
In the end we will end up with something like this:
src/errors/ValidationError.jstodos/routes.js# POST /todos# GET /todosTodosService.js# createTodo({ name: string })# listTodos()main.js# Connect to database# Bootstrap express-app# Start http serverpackage.jsonyarn.lock
Maybe you can already tell from the layout that we will separate our transport
layer (HTTP, living in src/todos/routes.js
) from our business logic (living in
). This is something that might be a little bit
overkill for a small project like this but I really find that it helps with
separating concerns and it will make our business logic highly reusable in the
context of maybe a command-line application or when writing test setups.
Let's go ahead and create our entry point. This is nothing fancy, it's very typical for an express/MongoDB app:
const express = require('express')const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000const MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost:27017'const MONGODB_DB = process.env.MONGODB_DB || 'todoman'main()async function main() {const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_URI, {useNewUrlParser: true})const db = mongoClient.db(MONGODB_DB)const app = express()app.use(function attachDb(req, res, next) {req.db = dbnext()})app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {res.status(200).json({ name: 'todoman-backend' })})app.listen(PORT, err => {if (err) {throw err}// eslint-disable-next-line no-consoleconsole.log(`api-server listening on port ${PORT}`)})}
Let's give our code a test-run. But before we do, let's go ahead and add nodemon so that we can automatically have our server restart when we make changes:
$ yarn add nodemon --dev
We'll also add a dev
script to our package.json
so that we can start our
app in dev-mode by running yarn dev
{"scripts": {"dev": "nodemon src/main"},"dependencies": {"body-parser": "^1.18.3","express": "^4.16.3","mongodb": "^3.1.1"},"devDependencies": {"nodemon": "^1.18.3"},"prettier": {"singleQuote": true,"semi": false}}
I also added a little bit of Prettier configuration so my code editor can auto-format my code as I like it.
Let's run our server:
$ yarn devyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ nodemon src/main[nodemon] 1.18.3[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`[nodemon] watching: *.*[nodemon] starting `node src/main.js`api-server listening on port 3000
Now if you view http://localhost:3000 in your browser, you should see the following JSON output:
{"name": "todoman-backend"}
Awesome, it's working! :)
Now let's add our todo-specific code!
We'll start with the TodosService
. This is a class that contains the business
logic for all our todo-endpoints.
const ValidationError = require('../errors/ValidationError')module.exports = class TodosService {constructor(db) {this.db = db}async listTodos() {const todos = await this.db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray()return todos}async createTodo(todoData) {if (!todoData.title) {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'required' })}if (typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'must be a string' })}todoData.title = todoData.title.trim()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').insert({title: todoData.title,completed: false,createdAt: new Date(),updatedAt: new Date()})const todo = result.ops[0]return todo}}
Take a look at the file – it should be fairly straight-forward, although there might be some MongoDB-specific code pieces that could look foreign if you're not used to working with it.
Inside TodosService#createTodo()
we validate user input and, in case it doesn't
pass validation, throw an error. Make sure to create that error:
module.exports = class ValidationError extends Error {constructor(invalidFields) {super() = 'ValidationError'this.invalidFields = invalidFields}}
will be called when hitting GET /todos
and #createTodo(todoData)
will be called from POST /todos
. Let's get that hooked up:
const express = require('express')const TodosService = require('./TodosService')const router = express.Router()router.get('/todos', function(req, res, next) {const { db } = reqconst todosService = new TodosService(db)todosService.listTodos().then(todos => res.status(200).json({ todos })).catch(next)})'/todos', function(req, res, next) {const { db, body } = reqconst todosService = new TodosService(db)todosService.createTodo(body).then(todo => res.status(200).json({ todo })).catch(next)})module.exports = router
We'll need to make a few changes to src/main.js
to hook up our newly added
todo-specific code:
is that we can use
it from a separate express app like any
middleware. So from src/main.js
we can simply do app.use(require('./todos/routes'))
package that we
installed earlier.ValidationError
s that might be thrown
during a request and create a proper response for the client. For this, we
will register an error handling middleware
as our last middleware of our app.src/main.js
const express = require('express')const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')const bodyParser = require('body-parser')const ValidationError = require('./errors/ValidationError')const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000const MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost:27017'const MONGODB_DB = process.env.MONGODB_DB || 'todoman'main()async function main() {const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_URI, {useNewUrlParser: true})const db = mongoClient.db(MONGODB_DB)const app = express()app.use(bodyParser.json())app.use(function attachDb(req, res, next) {req.db = dbnext()})app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {res.status(200).json({ name: 'todoman-backend' })})app.use(require('./todos/routes'))app.use(function handleErrors(err, req, res, next) {if (err instanceof ValidationError) {return res.status(400).json({ error: err })}next(err)})app.listen(PORT, err => {if (err) {throw err}// eslint-disable-next-line no-consoleconsole.log(`api-server listening on port ${PORT}`)})}
With that, all the basic functionality of our todoman backend is in place! Now let's see that everything works.
First, make sure that your development process (yarn dev
) is still running.
Now, hit GET /todos
with something like cURL:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/todos{ "todos": [] }
As expected, there are no todos yet. Let's create a few at POST /todos
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": "Todo 1" }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"todo": {"title": "Todo 1","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:45:11.020Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:45:11.020Z","_id": "5b71c3a702b5d752675eb4e8"}}$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": "Todo 2" }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"todo": {"title": "Todo 2","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:46:58.330Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:46:58.330Z","_id": "5b71c41202b5d752675eb4e9"}}$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": "Todo 3" }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"todo": {"title": "Todo 3","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:47:20.205Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:47:20.205Z","_id": "5b71c42802b5d752675eb4ea"}}
Yeah, making JSON POST-requests with cURL is pretty tedious but it's nice to illustrate requests in tutorials like these. For every day work I would usually use Insomnia. Postman is a popular alternative.
If we check back to our GET /todos
route, we can see that those todos are now
returned in the order they were created:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/todos{"todos": [{"_id": "5b71c3a702b5d752675eb4e8","title": "Todo 1","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:45:11.020Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:45:11.020Z"},{"_id": "5b71c41202b5d752675eb4e9","title": "Todo 2","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:46:58.330Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:46:58.330Z"},{"_id": "5b71c42802b5d752675eb4ea","title": "Todo 3","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T17:47:20.205Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T17:47:20.205Z"}]}
Let's now test our input validation at POST /todos
First, we'll try an empty request body:
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/todos{"error": {"name": "ValidationError","invalidFields": { "title": "required" }}}
Looks good! Now, what if we pass an empty string?
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": "" }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"error": {"name": "ValidationError","invalidFields": { "title": "required" }}}
Nice, that works, too!
The final test is to send something other than a string for the title:
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": 123 }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"error": {"name": "ValidationError","invalidFields": { "title": "must be a string" }}}
Cool! :) One more thing that we might want to test is our little bit of input sanitization that trims the title for us:
$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "title": " Todo with Spaces " }' http://localhost:3000/todos{"todo": {"title": "Todo with Spaces","completed": false,"createdAt": "2018-08-13T18:02:40.300Z","updatedAt": "2018-08-13T18:02:40.300Z","_id": "5b71c7c058e7445392c86209"}}
Awesome, this is looking pretty solid. All these manual tests we just went through to verify that our API works as expected are what we want to automate in the next part. Our app is working, so let's think about how we can write those automated integration tests for it now!
If you skipped part 1, you can get the source code of the application code from GitHub: View part 1 on GitHub
Before we dive in and start coding, let's take a little step back and think about what we need so that we can painlessly write our integration tests.
Our integration tests will make actual HTTP requests and hit the database. That means that we need an actual server running and we also need to connect to a database. The server should be started automatically as part of our testing setup and shut down again once all tests have been run. Similarly, we want to connect to the database before our tests run and disconnect afterwards. Also, we want to reset the database completely between tests so that tests don't affect one another.
To summarize:
I imagine our tests to look something like this:
describe('GET /todos', function() {testServer.useInTest() // Provide a test servertestDb.useInTest() // Connect to database and reset it between testsit('responds with 200 { todos }', async function() {const api = this.api // An axios client with its baseURL set to the test serverconst db = this.db // A mongodb database client})})
So here is what we want:
utility that provides a testing server for us to make requests
against and exposes an axios client as this.api
in every testtestDb
utility that provides a connection to a test database, resets that
database between tests and exposes a mongodb client in every test as this.db
That would provide us with everything we need to seemlessly write integration tests against any route.
So how can we achieve this? Let's go step-by-step, starting with the testDb
utility because it's a bit easier to implement than testServer
But first – where do we put our files? Where do the actual tests go and where do our test helpers go?
I like putting test files as close to the implementation as possible. This makes it very easy to tell which endpoints are covered by tests and which ones are not. I also like creating one test file per route because the tests for a single route can get quite big over time.
So let's put our test files right inside src/todos/
like this:
src/errors/ValidationError.jstodos/__http-tests__create-todo.test.js # Like TodosService#createTodo(todoData)list-todos.test.js # Like TodosService#listTodos()routes.jsTodosService.jsmain.jspackage.jsonyarn.lock
Using underscores as part of the folder name (__http-tests__
) is a
personal preference. It's nice because it will put that folder to the very top
of a directory listing and visually separate it from the actual implementation
Our test helpers should go into a folder at the root of the workspace so that they can easily be required from anywhere. Maybe even from a different package/repository:
Ok, I think we're ready to start writing our testDb
/* eslint-env mocha */const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')exports.useInTest = function() {before(async function connectToTestDB() {const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017',{ useNewUrlParser: true })const db = mongoClient.db('todoman-test')this.mongoClient = mongoClientthis.db = db})beforeEach(function dropTestDB() {return this.db.dropDatabase()})after(function disconnectTestDB() {return this.mongoClient.close()})}
In mocha, this
is the so-called mocha context. It's available in
lifecycle hooks like before
and after
but also inside tests (it(...)
Watch out: don't pass in arrow functions if you want to access this
allows us expose the mongo client's db
object to our tests. Apart from
that the code should be quite straight-forward.
If we call testDb.useInTest()
, we will:
Great, now we can use test-helpers/test-db.js
from within any test file to
gain access to a test database!
Now let's get the same thing working for the server!
UtilityWe will need to install two packages to help us with our testServer
once the
server is running.$ yarn add axios get-port --dev
Alright! Now let's code up our testServer
/* eslint-env mocha */const axios = require('axios')const spawn = require('child_process').spawnconst getPort = require('get-port')// TEST_ENV contains the environment variables for our test serverconst TEST_ENV = {PORT: undefined, // Assigned at runtimeMONGODB_URI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',MONGODB_DB: 'todoman-test'}// spawnServer is a utility function that starts a test server with a given set// of environment variables and returns a promise that resolves to the// ChildProcess of the server once it is reachable at its base URLfunction spawnServer(env) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {const server = spawn('node', ['src/main'], { env })// Pipe the test server's stdout and stderr to our main process so that we// can see console.logs and errors of our server when running our testsserver.stdout.pipe(process.stdout)server.stderr.pipe(process.stderr)server.on('error', reject)// Wait for the server to be reachablereturn waitForURLReachable(`http://localhost:${env.PORT}`).then(() => resolve(server)).catch(reject)})}// waitForURLReachable is a utility function that tries to GET a URL until it// succeeds. It will throw an error if it cannot reach the URL within the// provided `opts.timeout` (default: 1000ms)async function waitForURLReachable(url, { timeout = 1000 } = {}) {const timeoutThreshold = + timeoutwhile (true) {try {await axios.get(url)return true} catch (err) {if ( > timeoutThreshold) {throw new Error(`URL ${url} not reachable after ${timeout}ms`)}await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))}}}exports.useInTest = function() {before(async function startTestServer() {// The test server's environment variables should be set to TEST_ENV as// declared at the top of the file, but:// 1. Assign PATH to the user's PATH so that the `node` binary can be found// 2. Assign PORT to a random free portconst env = Object.assign({}, TEST_ENV, {PATH: process.env.PATH,PORT: await getPort()})// Use our utility function that we created above to spawn the test serverconst testServer = await spawnServer(env)// Create an axios instance that is configured to use the test server as its// base URL and expose it as `this.api`. This allows us to easily make// requests like `this.api.get('/todos')` from within our test filesconst api = axios.create({ baseURL: `http://localhost:${env.PORT}` })this.testServer = testServerthis.api = api})after(function stopTestServer() {// After all tests, stop the test server...this.testServer.kill()// ...and wait for it to shut downreturn new Promise(resolve =>this.testServer.on('close', () => resolve()))})}
We can now start writing our first test and put our little testing utilities into action.
GET /todos
Before we get into the actual code, we need to once again install some dependencies:
context as
introduced earlier is brilliant. The test output is very pretty and it just
works pretty much without any configuration.expect(todo)'title')'string')
– beautiful!$ yarn add mocha chai --dev
Let's first test GET /todos
because we only need to write a single test for
that route.
/* eslint-env mocha */const { expect } = require('chai')const testServer = require('../../../test-helpers/test-server')const testDb = require('../../../test-helpers/test-db')describe('GET /todos', function() {testServer.useInTest()testDb.useInTest()it('responds with 200 { todos }', async function() {const api = this.api// Create three todosawait'/todos', { title: 'Todo 1' })await'/todos', { title: 'Todo 2' })await'/todos', { title: 'Todo 3' })// Make the actual request to GET /todosconst response = await api.get('/todos')// Assert status code 200expect(response)'status', 200)// Assert that all three todos are includedexpect(response)'data.todos')'array').with.lengthOf(3)const todos = Assert that every todo contains all desired fieldstodos.forEach(todo => {expect(todo)'title')'string')expect(todo)'completed', false)expect(todo)'createdAt')'string')expect(todo)'updatedAt')'string')})// Assert that todos are listed in order of creationexpect( => todo.title)).to.deep.equal(['Todo 1','Todo 2','Todo 3'])})})
Note how we are using testServer.useInTest()
and testDb.useInTest()
at the
beginning of the describe
block. This is the piece of magic that gets our
testing server and testing database ready for us.
We only wrote a single test but it is pretty thorough (which is good!). We are
testing that GET /todos
of the response bodyThat seems pretty solid!
To run our tests, we will first add a new script test
to our package.json:
{"name": "todoman-backend","scripts": {"dev": "nodemon src/main","test": "mocha \"src/**/*.test.js\""},"dependencies": {"body-parser": "^1.18.3","express": "^4.16.3","mongodb": "^3.1.1"},"devDependencies": {"axios": "^0.18.0","chai": "^4.1.2","get-port": "^4.0.0","mocha": "^5.2.0","nodemon": "^1.18.3"},"prettier": {"singleQuote": true,"semi": false}}
mocha "src/**/*.test.js"
instructs mocha to run all project files that end
in .test.js
within the src/
folder as tests.
Now you can run yarn test
to run all tests:
$ yarn testyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js"GET /todosapi-server listening on port 53477✓ responds with 200 { todos } (94ms)1 passing (788ms)✨ Done in 1.48s.
Great, our test is passing! :)
Now you should go into your implementation code and try to break every single one of the assertions to verify that the test actually works. E.g. return a different status code and make sure that the test now fails. This is super-important because, although test code is usually much more straight-forward than implementation codee, there is always the possibility of bugs creeping in and your tests passing even though they shouldn't be.
You will be able to skip this step once we adopt a test-driven workflow in part 3 but always try break your tests if you wrote them after your implementation code!
Ok, let's write some tests for our second route: POST /todos
POST /todos
EndpointThis will be a bit more involved so let's take another small step back first and
think about all the things we want to test. We should test that POST /todos
I like sorting my tests in a way so that all the error cases are tested first. This makes it easy to see all the things that can go wrong when hitting a certain endpoint.
As you can see we have 3 tests planned for input validation. Honestly this might be a little bit much for an integration test. If our validation was complex enough to warrant a separate file, we would instead write only one general-purpose integration test for the input validation and test our validator separately with unit tests. But this is an optimization we can take care of at a later point if it really bothers us and in general I don't think it's too bad to test validation in integration tests. The tests run a bit slower this way but we get to move a bit faster!
There is however something else I would like to do about our input validation
tests. I want to create a little utility that makes it easier to write them.
Because not only do we want to assert that our API responds with the correct
status code (400) and response body (ValidationError) but we also want to make
sure that the correct error message is being delivered for any given failed
validation (e.g. "title": "required"
if title is missing). I imagine an API
something like this:
it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is missing', async function() {const api = this.apiconst request ='/todos', {})return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, { title: 'required' })})
That would be pretty neat, ey? It will make it a breeze to test any endpoints for validation errors in the future! :)
Let's create a new test helper for this. For it, we will want to use a little chai plugin called chai-as-promised that will allows us to make assertions about promises:
$ yarn add chai-as-promised --dev
Now let's write our helper:
const { expect } = require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'))exports.isValidationError = async function isValidationError(request,invalidFields) {// The `.eventually` is provided by chai-as-promised. We are doing two things// here:// - Expecting the axios request to be rejected// - Awaiting the assertion resolves to the error of the rejected promiseconst error = await expect(request) Axios errors contain the response as `error.response`const response = error.response// Assert that we respond with status code 400expect(response)'status', 400)// Assert that our response body is a validation errorexpect(response)'','ValidationError')// Assert that the provided invalidFields are included in the responseObject.entries(invalidFields).forEach(([fieldName, expectedFieldError]) => {expect(response)`data.error.invalidFields.${fieldName}`,expectedFieldError)})}
When writing tests there is always a fine line between keeping your tests
extremely simple (don't be afraid to copy-paste) but also easy-to-write-and-read
and maintainable. If you ever find yourself writing many assertions over and over
that are a bit hard to read, do consider extracting them into a utility function
that you can reuse – like this one (isValidationError
Ok, now we have everything we need to create our next tests:
/* eslint-env mocha */const { expect } = require('chai')const testServer = require('../../../test-helpers/test-server')const testDb = require('../../../test-helpers/test-db')const assertResponse = require('../../../test-helpers/assert-response')describe('POST /todos', function() {testServer.useInTest()testDb.useInTest()it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is missing', async function() {const api = this.apiconst request ='/todos', {})return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, { title: 'required' })})it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is empty', async function() {const api = this.apiconst request ='/todos', { title: '' })return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, { title: 'required' })})it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string', async function() {const api = this.apiconst request ='/todos', { title: 123 })return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, {title: 'must be a string'})})it('responds with 200 { todo }', async function() {const api = this.apiconst response = await'/todos', { title: 'My Test Todo' })expect(response)'status', 200)expect('todo')'object')expect('_id')'string')expect('title', 'My Test Todo')expect('completed', false)expect('createdAt')'string')expect(new Date(,1000)expect('updatedAt')'string')expect(})it('saves todo to the database', async function() {const api = this.apiconst db = this.dbawait'/todos', { title: 'My Test Todo' })const [latestTodo] = await db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: -1 }).toArray()expect(latestTodo)'title', 'My Test Todo')expect(latestTodo)'completed', false)expect(latestTodo)'createdAt'), 1000)expect(latestTodo)'updatedAt')})it('trims title from input', async function() {const api = this.apiconst response = await'/todos', { title: ' My Test Todo ' })expect(response)'status', 200)expect('title', 'My Test Todo')})})
And that's it! Let's run all our tests:
$ yarn testyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js"POST /todosapi-server listening on port 53843✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is missing✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is empty✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string✓ responds with 200 { todo } (40ms)✓ saves todo to the database (40ms)✓ trims title from inputGET /todosapi-server listening on port 53862✓ responds with 200 { todos } (66ms)7 passing (2s)✨ Done in 2.42s.
Again, now you should go back and test the tests by altering your implementation code and making sure that the tests fail. After you've done that, you're done with part 2!
You now have a little todo app with integration tests that cover pretty much your entire codebase! Nice! :)
Skipped to part 3? Get the source code for part 2 from GitHub: View part 2 on GitHUb
So far our todoman app doesn't support checking off todos yet. Damn! In this section we will add this functionality in a test-driven manner. As mentioned in the intro, test-driven workflows work very well for creating endpoints. In this section we will code up this endpoint but write our tests first, step-by-step.
Writing tests first has the awesome benefit that you know your tests work because they will pass as soon as the implementation works and fail as long as they don't. Also it allows you to "think first" about all the requirements a specific endpoint should meet. When you're doing the actual implementation you can relax your mind a little bit because your specs are in place and you just need to get your tests to pass one-by-one.
PATCH /todos/:todoId
First, let's again think about the requirements our route should meet. It will
be available at PATCH /todos/:todoId
and we should make sure that it:
First thing to notice here is that we're going to introduce a new error. It will look something like this:
ResourceNotFoundError {name: 'ResourceNotFoundError';resource: string;}
will refer to the name of the resource that couldn't be found. In our
case Todo
. It could also be User
or BlogPost
or TodoList
or something
like that. It would also be great if we could make assertions against requests
that we expect to reject with ResourceNotFoundErrors like this:
it('responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id', function() {const api = this.apiconst request = api.patch('/todos/1', {})return assertResponse.isResourceNotFoundError(request, 'Todo')})
No problem! Let's add another assertion helper for the ResourceNotFoundError:
const { expect } = require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'))exports.isValidationError = async function isValidationError(request,invalidFields) {const error = await expect(request) response = error.responseexpect(response)'status', 400)expect(response)'','ValidationError')Object.entries(invalidFields).forEach(([fieldName, expectedFieldError]) => {expect(response)`data.error.invalidFields.${fieldName}`,expectedFieldError)})}exports.isResourceNotFoundError = async function isResourceNotFoundError(request,resource) {const error = await expect(request) response = error.responseexpect(response)'status', 404)expect(response)'','ResourceNotFoundError')expect(response)'data.error.resource', resource)}
That should save us some time when we need to assert for ResourceNotFoundErrors in the future.
Now let's write out our tests. :)
PATCH /todos/:todoId
/* eslint-env mocha */const { expect } = require('chai')const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')const testServer = require('../../../test-helpers/test-server')const testDb = require('../../../test-helpers/test-db')const assertResponse = require('../../../test-helpers/assert-response')// createTodo is a utility function that lets us create a todo via HTTP request// and returns the todo as it was saved to the databaseasync function createTodo(mochaContext, todoData = {}) {const { api, db } = mochaContexttodoData = Object.assign({}, todoData, { title: 'My Todo' })const response = await'/todos', todoData)const todoId = new ObjectId( db.collection('todos').findOne({ _id: todoId })}describe('PATCH /todos/:todoId', function() {testServer.useInTest()testDb.useInTest()it('responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id', async function() {const api = this.api// Test with non-Object IDconst request1 = api.patch('/todos/1', { completed: true })await assertResponse.isResourceNotFoundError(request1, 'Todo')// Test with non-existent Object IDconst request2 = api.patch('/todos/5b72ecfdbf16f1384b053639', {completed: true})await assertResponse.isResourceNotFoundError(request2, 'Todo')})it('responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean', async function() {const api = this.apiconst todo = await createTodo(this)const request = api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, { completed: 'true' })return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, {completed: 'must be a boolean'})})it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string', async function() {const api = this.apiconst todo = await createTodo(this)const request = api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, { title: 123 })return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, {title: 'must be a string'})})it('responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string', async function() {const api = this.apiconst todo = await createTodo(this)const request = api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, { title: '' })return assertResponse.isValidationError(request, {title: 'cannot be an empty string'})})it('responds with 200 { todo }', async function() {const api = this.apiconst todo = await createTodo(this)const response = await api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, {completed: true,title: 'My Updated Todo'})expect(response)'status', 200)expect('todo')'object')expect('_id')'string')expect('title', 'My Updated Todo')expect('completed', true)expect('createdAt')'string')expect('updatedAt')'string')expect(new Date(,1000)expect(})it('only updates fields that are sent in the request body', async function() {const api = this.apiconst db = this.dbconst todo = await createTodo(this, { title: 'My Todo' })await api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, { completed: true })const todoV2 = await db.collection('todos').findOne({ _id: todo._id })expect(todoV2)'completed', true)expect(todoV2)'title', 'My Todo')await api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, { title: 'Updated Title' })const todoV3 = await db.collection('todos').findOne({ _id: todo._id })expect(todoV3)'completed', true)expect(todoV3)'title', 'Updated Title')})it('updates todo in the database', async function() {const api = this.apiconst db = this.dbconst todo = await createTodo(this)await api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, {completed: true,title: 'My Updated Todo'})const updatedTodo = await db.collection('todos').findOne({ _id: todo._id })expect(updatedTodo)'completed', true)expect(updatedTodo)'title', 'My Updated Todo')expect(updatedTodo.updatedAt.valueOf()), 1000)expect(updatedTodo.updatedAt).to.not.deep.equal(updatedTodo.createdAt)})it('trims title from input', async function() {const api = this.apiconst todo = await createTodo(this)const response = await api.patch(`/todos/${todo._id}`, {completed: true,title: ' My Updated Todo '})expect(response)'status', 200)expect('title', 'My Updated Todo')})})
Ok. If you try to run them now, all tests will fail:
$ yarn test -g "PATCH /todos/:todoId"yarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js" -g 'PATCH /todos/:todoId'PATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 575081) responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id2) responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean3) responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string4) responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string5) responds with 200 { todo }6) only updates fields that are sent in the request body7) updates todo in the database8) trims title from input0 passing (1s)8 failing1) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id:AssertionError: expected { Object (status, statusText, ...) } to have nested property ''at Object.isResourceNotFoundError (test-helpers/assert-response.js:33:35)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)2) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean:AssertionError: expected { Object (status, statusText, ...) } to have property 'status' of 400, but got 404+ expected - actual-404+400at Object.isValidationError (test-helpers/assert-response.js:11:28)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)3) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string:AssertionError: expected { Object (status, statusText, ...) } to have property 'status' of 400, but got 404+ expected - actual-404+400at Object.isValidationError (test-helpers/assert-response.js:11:28)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)4) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string:AssertionError: expected { Object (status, statusText, ...) } to have property 'status' of 400, but got 404+ expected - actual-404+400at Object.isValidationError (test-helpers/assert-response.js:11:28)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)5) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 200 { todo }:Error: Request failed with status code 404at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:18:12)at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:201:11)at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)6) PATCH /todos/:todoIdonly updates fields that are sent in the request body:Error: Request failed with status code 404at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:18:12)at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:201:11)at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)7) PATCH /todos/:todoIdupdates todo in the database:Error: Request failed with status code 404at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:18:12)at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:201:11)at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)8) PATCH /todos/:todoIdtrims title from input:Error: Request failed with status code 404at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:18:12)at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:201:11)at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1081:12)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)error Command failed with exit code 8.
Now it's time to get these tests to pass!
We'll begin by adding our new error to src/errors/
and handling it in our
error handler:
module.exports = class ResourceNotFoundError extends Error {constructor(resource) {super() = 'ResourceNotFoundError'this.resource = resource}}
const express = require('express')const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')const bodyParser = require('body-parser')const ValidationError = require('./errors/ValidationError')const ResourceNotFoundError = require('./errors/ResourceNotFoundError')const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000const MONGODB_URI = process.env.MONGODB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost:27017'const MONGODB_DB = process.env.MONGODB_DB || 'todoman'main()async function main() {const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_URI, {useNewUrlParser: true})const db = mongoClient.db(MONGODB_DB)const app = express()app.use(bodyParser.json())app.use(function attachDb(req, res, next) {req.db = dbnext()})app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {res.status(200).json({ name: 'todoman-backend' })})app.use(require('./todos/routes'))app.use(function handleErrors(err, req, res, next) {if (err instanceof ValidationError) {return res.status(400).json({ error: err })}if (err instanceof ResourceNotFoundError) {return res.status(404).json({ error: err })}next(err)})app.listen(PORT, err => {if (err) {throw err}// eslint-disable-next-line no-consoleconsole.log(`api-server listening on port ${PORT}`)})}
Next, let's add our route (PATCH /todos/:todoId
) and our service function
(TodosService#patchTodo(todoId, todoData)
) in a way so that our first test passes:
const express = require('express')const TodosService = require('./TodosService')const router = express.Router()router.get('/todos', function(req, res, next) {const { db } = reqconst todosService = new TodosService(db)todosService.listTodos().then(todos => res.status(200).json({ todos })).catch(next)})'/todos', function(req, res, next) {const { db, body } = reqconst todosService = new TodosService(db)todosService.createTodo(body).then(todo => res.status(200).json({ todo })).catch(next)})router.patch('/todos/:todoId', function(req, res, next) {const { db, body } = reqconst { todoId } = req.paramsconst todosService = new TodosService(db)todosService.patchTodo(todoId, body).then(todo => res.status(200).json({ todo })).catch(next)})module.exports = router
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')const ValidationError = require('../errors/ValidationError')const ResourceNotFoundError = require('../errors/ResourceNotFoundError')module.exports = class TodosService {constructor(db) {this.db = db}async listTodos() {const todos = await this.db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray()return todos}async createTodo(todoData) {if (!todoData.title) {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'required' })}if (typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'must be a string' })}todoData.title = todoData.title.trim()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').insert({title: todoData.title,completed: false,createdAt: new Date(),updatedAt: new Date()})const todo = result.ops[0]return todo}async patchTodo(todoId, todoData) {if (!ObjectId.isValid(todoId)) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}todoId = new ObjectId(todoId)const result = await this.db.collection('todos').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: todoId },{ $set: todoData },{ returnOriginal: false })if (!result.value) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}}}
Now running our tests will get the first one to pass:
$ yarn test -g "PATCH /todos/:todoId" --bailyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js" -g 'PATCH /todos/:todoId' --bailPATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 57323✓ responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id1) responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean1 passing (896ms)1 failing1) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean:AssertionError: expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with { Object (status, statusText, ...) }error Command failed with exit code Visit for documentation about this command.
Now let's add some input validation:
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')const ValidationError = require('../errors/ValidationError')const ResourceNotFoundError = require('../errors/ResourceNotFoundError')module.exports = class TodosService {constructor(db) {this.db = db}async listTodos() {const todos = await this.db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray()return todos}async createTodo(todoData) {if (!todoData.title) {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'required' })}if (typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'must be a string' })}todoData.title = todoData.title.trim()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').insert({title: todoData.title,completed: false,createdAt: new Date(),updatedAt: new Date()})const todo = result.ops[0]return todo}async patchTodo(todoId, todoData) {if (!ObjectId.isValid(todoId)) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}todoId = new ObjectId(todoId)validate(todoData)const result = await this.db.collection('todos').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: todoId },{ $set: todoData },{ returnOriginal: false })if (!result.value) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}function validate(todoData) {const invalidFields = {}if (todoData.title != null && typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {invalidFields.title = 'must be a string'} else if (todoData.title === '') {invalidFields.title = 'cannot be an empty string'}if (todoData.completed != null &&typeof todoData.completed !== 'boolean') {invalidFields.completed = 'must be a boolean'}if (Object.keys(invalidFields).length > 0) {throw new ValidationError(invalidFields)}}}}
Our service function is starting to get pretty long. Validating input data with vanilla JavaScript is super cumbersumb and error-prone. For my projects I usually use the awesome joi library but I want to keep things simple for this tutorial, so we'll live with a slightly longer service function.
Let's try our tests:
$ yarn test -g "PATCH /todos/:todoId" --bailyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js" -g 'PATCH /todos/:todoId' --bailPATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 57569✓ responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean (57ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string (49ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string (42ms)1) responds with 200 { todo }4 passing (790ms)1 failing1) PATCH /todos/:todoIdresponds with 200 { todo }:AssertionError: expected {} to have property 'todo'at Context.<anonymous> (src/todos/__http-tests__/patch-todo.test.js:81:16)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)error Command failed with exit code 1.
We're getting there! :) On with the next test... letting it respond with
200 { todo }
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')const ValidationError = require('../errors/ValidationError')const ResourceNotFoundError = require('../errors/ResourceNotFoundError')module.exports = class TodosService {constructor(db) {this.db = db}async listTodos() {const todos = await this.db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray()return todos}async createTodo(todoData) {if (!todoData.title) {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'required' })}if (typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'must be a string' })}todoData.title = todoData.title.trim()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').insert({title: todoData.title,completed: false,createdAt: new Date(),updatedAt: new Date()})const todo = result.ops[0]return todo}async patchTodo(todoId, todoData) {if (!ObjectId.isValid(todoId)) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}todoId = new ObjectId(todoId)validate(todoData)todoData.updatedAt = new Date()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: todoId },{ $set: todoData },{ returnOriginal: false })if (!result.value) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}return result.valuefunction validate(todoData) {const invalidFields = {}if (todoData.title != null && typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {invalidFields.title = 'must be a string'} else if (todoData.title === '') {invalidFields.title = 'cannot be an empty string'}if (todoData.completed != null &&typeof todoData.completed !== 'boolean') {invalidFields.completed = 'must be a boolean'}if (Object.keys(invalidFields).length > 0) {throw new ValidationError(invalidFields)}}}}
Running our tests...
$ yarn test -g "PATCH /todos/:todoId" --bailyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js" -g 'PATCH /todos/:todoId' --bailPATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 58005✓ responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean (53ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string (54ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string✓ responds with 200 { todo } (52ms)✓ only updates fields that are sent in the request body (46ms)✓ updates todo in the database (43ms)1) trims title from input7 passing (933ms)1 failing1) PATCH /todos/:todoIdtrims title from input:AssertionError: expected { Object (_id, title, ...) } to have property 'title' of 'My Updated Todo', but got ' My Updated Todo '+ expected - actual- My Updated Todo+My Updated Todoat Context.<anonymous> (src/todos/__http-tests__/patch-todo.test.js:154:40)at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)error Command failed with exit code Visit for documentation about this command.
Nice! With our last change, we got three tests to pass. Now there's only one test left! We need to trim the title if it is part of the request body:
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')const ValidationError = require('../errors/ValidationError')const ResourceNotFoundError = require('../errors/ResourceNotFoundError')module.exports = class TodosService {constructor(db) {this.db = db}async listTodos() {const todos = await this.db.collection('todos').find({}).sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray()return todos}async createTodo(todoData) {if (!todoData.title) {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'required' })}if (typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {throw new ValidationError({ title: 'must be a string' })}todoData.title = todoData.title.trim()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').insert({title: todoData.title,completed: false,createdAt: new Date(),updatedAt: new Date()})const todo = result.ops[0]return todo}async patchTodo(todoId, todoData) {if (!ObjectId.isValid(todoId)) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}todoId = new ObjectId(todoId)todoData = sanitize(todoData)validate(todoData)todoData.updatedAt = new Date()const result = await this.db.collection('todos').findOneAndUpdate({ _id: todoId },{ $set: todoData },{ returnOriginal: false })if (!result.value) {throw new ResourceNotFoundError('Todo')}return result.valuefunction sanitize(todoData) {const sanitizedTodoData = {}if (todoData.title != null) {sanitizedTodoData.title = todoData.title}if (typeof todoData.title === 'string') {sanitizedTodoData.title = todoData.title.trim()}if (todoData.completed != null) {sanitizedTodoData.completed = todoData.completed}return sanitizedTodoData}function validate(todoData) {const invalidFields = {}if (todoData.title != null && typeof todoData.title !== 'string') {invalidFields.title = 'must be a string'} else if (todoData.title === '') {invalidFields.title = 'cannot be an empty string'}if (todoData.completed != null &&typeof todoData.completed !== 'boolean') {invalidFields.completed = 'must be a boolean'}if (Object.keys(invalidFields).length > 0) {throw new ValidationError(invalidFields)}}}}
Again, writing input sanitization with vanilla JS is not the most fun or resilient thing in the world. Joi also takes care of these things, check it out!
Let's run our tests once more:
$ yarn test -g "PATCH /todos/:todoId" --bailyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js" -g 'PATCH /todos/:todoId' --bailPATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 58042✓ responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean (57ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string (42ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string✓ responds with 200 { todo }✓ only updates fields that are sent in the request body (44ms)✓ updates todo in the database (47ms)✓ trims title from input8 passing (909ms)✨ Done in 1.56s.
Phew! Looks like we got 'em all! Let's run all our tests one more time:
$ yarn testyarn run v1.6.0warning package.json: No license field$ mocha "src/**/*.test.js"POST /todosapi-server listening on port 58218✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is missing✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is empty✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string✓ responds with 200 { todo } (45ms)✓ saves todo to the database (68ms)✓ trims title from inputGET /todosapi-server listening on port 58236✓ responds with 200 { todos } (62ms)PATCH /todos/:todoIdapi-server listening on port 58251✓ responds with 404 ResourceNotFoundError { Todo } if no todo exists with given id✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if completed is not a boolean (56ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is not a string (45ms)✓ responds with 400 ValidationError if title is an empty string✓ responds with 200 { todo } (46ms)✓ only updates fields that are sent in the request body (58ms)✓ updates todo in the database (43ms)✓ trims title from input (43ms)15 passing (2s)
Wow, it's all working... awesome! :)
With that... our work is done! If you didn't follow along every step of the tutorial and want to check out the final version of what we built, you can do so on GitHub: View part 3 on GitHub
Nice job on working through the entire article all the way to the end. We created a little RESTful API (part 1), created a simple setup for running integration tests against it (part 2) and finally extended the API by working within a test-driven workflow (part 3).
Before we end, let me leave you with some more tips related to testing:
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and were able to pick up some new knowledge. Please let me know if there's anything in the article or code that is not clear or missing or wrong. You can reach out to me via Twitter for feedback or to simply say hi! :)
Thanks again for reading. I hope you have a great time testing! :)
Hi, I’m Max! I'm a fullstack JavaScript developer living in Berlin.
When I’m not working on one of my personal projects, writing blog posts or making YouTube videos, I help my clients bring their ideas to life as a freelance web developer.
If you need help on a project, please reach out and let's work together.
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